Saturday, July 27, 2024


Bread has always been and remains one of the main types of food in many parts of the world. In some countries, there are even certain traditions and customs associated with this product. Bread was the most widespread food in Europe too. The history of a bread recipe dates back to ancient times. However, bakers changed it with each century. Today’s bread is a result of a series of such innovations. On the shelves of modern shops and bakeries, you can see puffy buns, exquisite croissants, beautiful puff pastry with various fillings and loaves of bread sprinkled with flour just out of the red-hot oven. You can buy all of that in London too. How was bread baked in the city several centuries ago and what did the bakeries look like at that time? Learn more at london-future.

Creation of the Aerated Bread Company

The Aerated Bread Company was founded in 1862. Despite everyone predicting its short-term existence, it has long remained one of the most famous ones in the whole of Great Britain. Its founder, John Dauglish, received a medical degree. However, he was disappointed by the taste of British bread, so he decided to try to find the perfect recipe by himself. Surprisingly, the knowledge John gained during his studies helped him achieve the desired result. The company’s shares rose in price very quickly (from £1 to £57 in 8 days). Thus, the Aerated Bread Company, which was headquartered in London, rapidly became popular across the UK.

Technology features

Since the founder of the company had a lot of knowledge in chemistry, he began to delve into and study the processes of baking bread. His research provided solid grounds for claiming that bread can be made without yeast. Instead, he introduced carbon dioxide. It was dissolved in water, which eliminated the need for fermentation. Also, one of John’s main goals was to follow the rules of sanitation and hygiene during the cooking process. Therefore, he tried to develop technologies, which wouldn’t engage workers into direct physical contact with the dough. Manual kneading wasn’t hygienic enough. The system created by the founder was also highly automated. His method made it possible to leaven bread without yeast, by releasing carbon dioxide into the dough under pressure. A patent for a new technology for making bread was issued in 1856, shortly before the opening of the Aerated Bread Company. In general, John Dauglish’s idea was supported by many influential scientists, researchers and doctors of the time. In 1859, he presented the technology in his paper to the Royal Society of Arts, for which he was awarded. Later, he created the Aerated Bread Company for the direct practical use of the method and providing such products to ordinary people.

How did the bakery become one of the most famous tea shops?

A few years after the opening of the bakery in London and other cities of the country, the company started to offer tea and other snacks to their customers. There are rumours that this idea was invented by one of the London managers of the company. It was aimed at increasing profits, as the company didn’t have money to pay dividends. In any case, such bakeries have become favourite spots for many ladies. They came there to chat with their friends and drink a cup of tea with incredibly tasty pastries. At that time, it was one of the few opportunities to leave the house without a husband. However, in 1955, the Aerated Bread Company ceased to be independent, and later in 1982, it was closed.

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