Saturday, July 27, 2024


In today’s world, IT training is quite important and even necessary. Digitalisation, which is happening in many areas of life, needs people who can develop new high-quality software solutions and achieve good results. Therefore, there is an increasing number of educational institutions in the world that train real professionals. London also boasts many such schools, colleges and universities. The level of IT training in this city is one of the best not only in Europe but also in the whole world. Its graduates enter the most famous international corporations. High-quality teaching, constant development as well as implementation of new ideas and projects takes place at the SAE Institute. What are the features of this educational institution in London? Learn more at london-future.

General features of the SAE Institute

The SAE Institute is a network of colleges located in different parts of the world. The history of its creation began with a small advertising studio in Sydney. In 1976, its founder Tom Misner turned the studio into a classroom. Later, he established campuses in various Australian cities, and starting in the 1980s, educational institutions began to spread outside the country. Then the college was founded in London too. The SAE Entertainment Company was formed in the 1990s. It allowed the institution to develop international programmes for the exchange of educational resources. Thus, the company started cooperation with Middlesex University, so students who are studying an approved programme receive a Middlesex award. The SAE Institute has also undergone review by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. After the creation of several campuses in Great Britain, the development of the SAE Institute has become even more relevant and significant. Of course, the capital of the country has become the centre of its progress.

Development of the educational institution in London

In fact, there are many colleges and universities in London where you can receive an IT degree. Such, for example, are the already mentioned Middlesex University and the University of Greenwich. However, these educational institutions have separate faculties dedicated to this scientific field, while the SAE Institute is an entire educational institution specialising exclusively in IT. The study at the London campus lasts for two years. The curriculum is divided into several broad areas, which in turn have their own specific sub-fields. For example, the field of animation includes a course in visual effects and a course in game art. The first involves an interesting combination of practical and academic education in animation design, 2D and 3D animation and advanced compositing. Another course has been designed for those looking to build a career in game development. There is also a course that allows you to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to work with audio, including live sound, films, games, animations and programming. The training takes place in SAE’s modern recording studios, where you can get hands-on experience using small- and large-format consoles, as well as industry-leading software and hardware by Audient, SSL and Neve. In addition to the above-mentioned courses, there are also those related to content creation, marketing, film production and website development.

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